IELTS exam in Germany
IELTS exam in Hong Kong
IELTS exam in India
IELTS exam in Italy
IELTS exam in Peru
IELTS exam in Saudi Arabia
IELTS exam in Sri Lanka
IELTS exam in Vietnam
Update from General IELTS exam, Hungary
This awesome report came from a Hungarian guy right after he was done with IELTS and it was very fresh in his memory. Thank you very much, Tamas, for providing this study case - well done!
The first part was a phone conversation of a tour reservation, and you needed to collect names, phone numbers, and such factual data. Then, I still don’t remember the next two parts.
There were single choice and multiple choice tasks involved. Then in the last part there was a text about water shortages, the history of dams, and a comparison of water dams and water banks. This was a fill-the-gaps task, with synonyms often used.
One question I couldn’t figure out with multiple choice questions: the leaflet said “questions 12-14″ and then 5 options from which I had to pick 3.The answer sheet however, clearly asked for question 12, 13, and 14 separately. Let’s assume the answers are A, B and E. In which order do you mark these on the answer sheet? Which is the answer for question 12/13/14 exactly?
To explain this one: in such cases the order doesn’t matter. Make sure you select the right choices, write them on Answer sheet in any order, they will be all accepted. (Simone)
With the skimming technique I managed to save so much time that I had more than 10 minutes at the end to re-check every answer (to correct two obvious mistakes in my case), which were already copied to the test sheet.
There were four parts:
1) A table comparing 3 lodging packages
2) A travel insurance leaflet
3) A one-page text about retraining courses
4) A 7 paragraphs text about the advantages of wind turbines as alternative energysources.
I tried not to over think some of the T/F/NG tasks, but still I’m not sure in two cases:
1) The travel insurance leaflet contained a clause something like“laptops and other electronic equipments are covered (if their model and id were registered previously)”, and the question was whether the insurance covers/doesn’t cover/or covers in some cases. I’ve chosen “covers in some cases” here, thinking that the condition applies only if…
Well done! (Simone)
2) The retraining told something about apprenticeship (with a footnote that it means studying and working at the same time, and one of the courses told it is for apprenticeship, trainees, and other general studies (or something like that, unfortunately I can’t recall), and there was a question whether this course usually includes part-time work. I chose NG, as I felt that the fact that it USUALLY includes part-time work (that is apprenticeship and trainees in my reading) was not emphasized in the text.
Task1 Your friend will be staying at your home, but you can’t be there. Write a letter in which you explain:1. How the keys will get to him/her2. How to use the electrical appliances3. Recommend some interesting places to visit
Task2 Some people say subjects like arts, music, drama and creative writing are more beneficial to children, and therefore they need more of these subjects to be included in their timetable. Do you agree or disagree?
I was sort of winding down by the end of the test, dehydrated and was not creative enough in the second task, so I wrote only in general (despite the fact that they asked for personal experiences to be mentioned), and too short. (235 words total, and no time left to extend that. At least I kept the essay structure, so knowing that was a great help.
There was an hour break before interviews started. There were 2 examiners for the 16 candidates, and each interview took about 15 minutes, so that means something like 2-3 hours waiting for the last candidates.
Generally, the examiners are very kind; they (of course) let you speak when they see you have something to say. It is up to you, though to answer their questions in the meantime.
About tape recording: the interview starts with a short tape-recording test, which tests the physical condition of the tape-recorder, but be prepared to hear your voice back from a tape: if you haven’t heard it before, you might be surprised how different it sounds (to you), and don’t let it distract you (this was a case for one of my fellow candidates).
Update from General IELTS exam, Canada
This summary came from a couple of very happy Canadian students. Both of them used IELTS-Blog materials, got 7 in General IELTS and felt like helping others. Thank you, guys!
Task 1 Imagine your going to an English speaking country; write to a rental agency,a) the type of house you want.b) its size.c) the surroundings.
Task 2 Discuss your opinion about how modernism can affect our health. What can the government do to overcome such circumstances?
Interview1. Give me your name?(Asked my passport- identity)2. Tell us about your work/job?
Little speechWhat is your opinion about working in shifts. Give examples: doctors, hotel staff, etc.
Discussion Different jobs demand shift work, in my opinion should the choice be given to the candidate to work in shifts or not.
Update from Academic IELTS exam, Canada
Thanks to Ann from Canada I can post these topics from recent Academic IELTS exam. Good job, Ann, thanks for caring - your help is most appreciated!
Reading Reading was really difficult, topics were about1) Co-education and Single-education2) Penology3) Telepathy
Task 1 Line graph Number of inquiries received by tourist receptionist (by phone, by email/mail and in person) from January to June 2004
Something like this: As the richer people grow richer, the poor people are getting poorer. What problem rise in this situation and how can we cope with them.
InterviewAre you working or studying?What do you like the most about your job?What kinds of weather do you like most and why?Why nowadays people are getting married older than they used to. Why do you think our grandparents were getting married at early age?
Little speech Describe something that I made by myself
What is the difference between things that are made in bulk and the one you’ve made? What can you say about globalization? What are the effects of globalization?
Update from General IELTS, Spain
Do you remember this beautiful tradition we used to have, when you shared your IELTS experiences with me and I made sure they are available for many other students just like you?
I’d like to invite you all once again - let’s keep doing that, because people write and tell me it’s really helping them. Take some time to put a little email together, let me know what country you’re from - I’ll take care of all the rest.
And now to the latest news - we have an update from Spain (thanks, Gino).
Reading included 10 advertisements and the questions were about which ad says they want the userto provide transport, which ad says user can get a better bargain, so you have to read carefully,because some of the adds had same ad as answer (at least I thought that way, don’t know till the result comes.
Writing Task 1
Write a letter to neighbor about the garbage problem you have
· Introduce yourself
· Explain the problem
· Provide appropriate solution
Writing Task 2
Small shops in town and villages are closing and replaced by big stores. Explain your opinion, do you think it is good or bad.
They asked about my school, what I did on last weekend, and then went to ask about jobs in shifts, advantages & disadvantages. Well I messed up a little bit as I got a bit nervous. I suggest to everyone to stay in a relaxed mood.
Update from General IELTS exam, India
Thanks to Chikur from India I can give you this update, enjoy!
The only thing I remember - it was too fast. I had to sneeze and missed 2 answers!
Reading was a bit tough this time. In General Training IELTS, thefirst 20 questions are usually easy. But this time I found first 10questions about a long passage. Actually that passage was“answers” and we were supposed to match the “questions”to them, so it took longer. Two more reading passagecame with questions of True , False, Not Given typeand I had to fill up the gaps in the summary.
Writing Task 1:Write a letter to a college Principal, where you attended one day computer course and are unhappy about the way it was conducted. Explain the type of course, what happened and what can be done that it never happen again
Writing Task 2:In Many countries, children are getting fatter and less fit day by day. What is your opinion about it?
Interview Questions about my hometown, I was asked to describe it.
Speech Describe 2 people from the same family, their similarities.
Discussion Change in trends of the family types and about respect of elders in my family and my country.
Update from Academic IELTS exam, Argentina
This incredible material was brought by IELTS candidate who wished to remain anonymous.
1. Phone call with representative of “Mobility Company”. A man asked directions to their showroom, and made some inquiries about the products he couldget or install for his father, who had a weak back.
2. Recorded message on the phone, giving tourist information about some caves in Great Britain. (At the end there’s a quite long phone number, out of 15 people taking the exam, I couldn’t find anyone who was sure about the numbers he/she had written.There were too many numbers, no repetitions, too fast.
3. Girl talking to student adviser. She asked about Science and Biology oriented undergraduate courses, if those were part time, full time or flexible; if there were any scholarships available or not.
4. Students giving a lecture about white rite, a mineral, which is source of barium, and main natural resource of their town.
1. Math classes in Japan2. About penology and amateur contributions to scientific research3. About archeology on Easter Island.
Writing Task 1:Line Graph: Production of vehicles 1998-2002. Amount of hours required to manufacture a vehicle in four US based factories: Nissan, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler.
Writing Task 2:Some people think that there are benefits in going to private secondary schools. Others feel that private secondary school can have negative effect on the society as a whole. What is your opinion? Justify and give examples according to your knowledge or experience.
· Greeting, Name and ID
· Do you live in a village, town or city?
· Is it a nice place to live?
· Why do you like living there?
· Is it a good place to live for young people?
· Do you like flowers?
· Do flowers have a particular meaning in your country?
· Do people give flowers to each other as a present?
· Do you know any other languages?
· What other language would you like to learn?
· What do you like about learning different languages?
· Why is it important?
Card about helping someone. (I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere, either online or in some book)
· Do you like helping people out? Why?
· Do you think people help each other more now or before?
· Is it usual in your country that people help others, strangers?
· Does your government help poor people, or people in need? How?
· Do you think it had to provide more help before than it has to provide now?
Update from Academic IELTS exam, Australia
This brief update is from latest Academic IELTS in Melbourne, Australia
Listening topics:
1) Tickets’ booking over the phone
2) Seaside walk
3) Lecture on village life
Reading topics:
1) Bananas
2) Photography
3) Flavor sense
Writing :
Writing Task 1: Compare postgraduate project work in a UK university in 80s,90s and 2000s on the basis of either they complete it on time, late, rewrote orfailed to write at all
Writing Task 2: Multicultural societies bring more benefit to the countrythan drawbacks, discuss.
Interview questions - nothing special
Speech - long talk about a photograph
Recent Academic IELTS exam
Thanks to our friends from Vietnam, I can give you this update from recent Academic IELTS test.
Writing :
Part 1: Two line graph, which shows percentages of employment amongst men and women in England from 1993 to 2000.
Part 2: In order to learn a new language well, you should also get to know the culture and the lifestyle. To what extent do you agree with this idea?
Interview questions
· Greeting and show ID?
· Student or working?
· Where are you studying?
· Do you like it? In what way?
· Have many friends? How about close friends?
· What do you do to express you ‘re a good friend?
Your favorite story as a child
· How does the above story affect you?
· Differences between a person in a story/film and in a real life?
· What is the character of an actor/actress in a film that people in your country like?
· What could people study after watching a film / reading a book?
IELTS exam - update from Vietnam
As you may have noticed, there is a new category in IELTS-Blog - Recent IELTS exams. You can find there everything my students tell about their IELTS exams : topics, tasks, stories.
This post is also about recent IELTS - our friend D. P. Hieu from Vietnam brings an update from an Academic IELTS test he took on 29/7/06.
Listening :
Part 1: Complete Table about Recyled process.
Part 2: About Orientation Day.Part 3: Foods for children.
Part 4: A lecture about a successful company run by a woman in India.
Reading :
Very, very hard.Part 1 & 3: too complex to describe.Part 2: About fishing in Alaska (US).
Writing :
Part 1: A normal bar chart shows (and compares) the number of employed workers in 7 sectors (trading, tourism, manufacturing….) in New Zealand in percentages between 1990 and 2000.
Part 2: Earlier developments in technology are bigger than recent ones? Discuss. Give your own ideas.
Quite a lot of questions. Lasted for exact 22 min (too long, isn’t it?). Yes, that’s true. Phew….Examiner ’s name : Peter Braigtain (or something that sounds like that)
Interview questions
· Greeting and show ID…
· Student or working?
· Where are you studying?
· Do you like it? In what way?
· Have many friends? How about close friends?
· How can you use time with your friends?
· According to you, how is a good friend?
· Spending time with family?
· Eating at home VS going out for meals.
· Advantages of cooking at home.
· Who cooks in your family?
Topic: your dream vehicle!!!
· Vehicle ’s effect to society in general?
· Are car ads on TV, radio effective?
· Private vehicle VS Public Transport?
· Advantages of Public Transport? What you love best?
· Disadvantages of Public Transport? What you dislike the most?
· Should Government play the main role in developing public transport? How to improve it?
More Fresh IELTS Tasks And Topics
Thanks to my thoughtful students, Kimunn (Cambodia) and Huma (Pakistan), I can share with you more IELTS exam tasks and topics, all from Academic IELTS.This is what Huma told us about her IELTS exam:
Writing Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The bar chart shows the percentage of internet users and non-users in Australia in 2001 in different age groups. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below..
Download the bar chart here
You should write at least 150 words.
Writing Task 2:
You are advised to spend the maximum of 40 minutes on this task.
What are the possible effects of living long on an individual and on the whole society?Give some examples for and against according to your knowledge.
You should write at least 250 words.
Speaking Sections
Interview What is your name, student or employee, what is your job? If a guest suddenly comes to your home, what do you do? What you will show to a visitor?
Card Questions about favorite shopping center
· Where it is?
· What kind of shops are there?
· Why do you like it?
· What influences you mostly to shop there?
Discussion Related to shopping
· Online marketing, its advantages and disadvantages
· Comparison of cheap shopping center and branded shopping center
And this is what Kimunn remembered:
Writing Task 1 - describe the process of making cement and concrete
Writing Task 2 - discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private secondary school.Speaking section - they asked about what is the meaning of flowers in my country.
Fresh IELTS topics from yesterday’s exam
Writing Task 1 (Letter) - Write a letter to publisher in a newspaper, asking to advertise a meeting of people from different countries you are organizing. Explain where, when and why.
Writing Task 2 (Essay) - Nowadays for many people Internet is replacing regular books. What do you think will happen in the future and what is your opinion.
Interview - the interview was completely ordinary, questions : name, student or employee, what is your job, describe your regular day.
Card - questions about public transportation in your country.
Discussion - ecological consequences of public transportation and what can be done to improve the situation.
Today’s IELTS - live report
1) Listening was difficult, in one task they gave us a diagram and I had to understand directions on it. The easiest part was about archeological excavations of some sort of bones. I didn’t do too great.
2) Reading was much better, I even had 7 minutes in the end to check myself. I remember 2 passages. There was a really long passage (2.5 pages) divided into 3 sub-sections and I had to be careful not to mix questions of different sub-sections. Its topic was distant learning, its advantages and disadvantages. The last passage was about traveling in Australia, how much money it brings to Australian government, how much different kinds of travelers (single men, couples, etc) spend on vacations of different types.I wrote my answers on the Answer Sheet and in the booklet - it really saved me time when I had to check myself in the end of Reading section.
3) Writing:
Letter topic - Write a letter to a book shop manager about a book you’re looking for, ask him to find the book and send it to you. I finished it in 17 minutes and managed to check myself in the remaining 3.
Essay topic - Today majority of children are raised by their grand parents, due to the fact that their parents are busy working. To what extent do you think it affects the whole family? I wrote essay with 5 paragraphs - Introduction, 1 paragraph against and 2 paragraphs in favor of grandparents raising the children and, of course, the conclusion paragraph with my own opinion. I managed to finish it in 35 minutes and 5 left to correct spelling errors.
4) Speaking:
I messed up and gave my passport to the examiner before she asked for it. She returned it to me, switched the tape on, asked for it so tape would record the question and then I gave it to her again, saying: “Here is my passport, please”. The whole process has to be recorded on tape.
Interview questions: Name, job, current place of living, describe apartment.Card - Describe apartment where you lived in the past, when, where, with whom, what did it look like.
Discussion : What has changed in our living arrangements today compared to the past.
5) That’s all, I hope it helps!