Listening is very often your biggest problem. I know it because almost all my IELTS-taking friends had trouble there. Your Listening ability in many cases is not developed enough. But the good news is that Listening is a skill, not a gift, which means anyone can learn how to listen and understand (almost ) every word. My friends and I came up with this technique that worked for us.
What usually happens:
You listen and hear “Blablablablabla”, which you can’t to break into words, and for that reason it makes no sense to you. There is a big difference between seeing a word printed on paper when you read and hearing it. If you saw a word, it doesn’t mean you will recognize it when you hear it. Every word you have read, you need to hear at least once.
You listen and hear “Blablablablabla”, which you can’t to break into words, and for that reason it makes no sense to you. There is a big difference between seeing a word printed on paper when you read and hearing it. If you saw a word, it doesn’t mean you will recognize it when you hear it. Every word you have read, you need to hear at least once.
What can be done about it:
You need to teach yourself the words
You need to teach yourself the words
How do you do it:
When training, take a recording of the news, lecture, television program movie or an actual IELTS Listening test and work with it.
When training, take a recording of the news, lecture, television program movie or an actual IELTS Listening test and work with it.